How to bulk create Researchers

How to bulk create Researchers

Go to the Bulk Uploader (https://data.pointblue.org/science/projectmanager/bulk_uploader), select your project. You will only see projects that you have access to. The Add Researcher tool lets you fill in any missing names from your project that are referenced by the bulk upload. All records you upload will be evaluated as follows:

  1. Does the researcher already exist in your project?
    If the submitted fields (any combo of first name, last name, initials, and email address) are identical to a researcher in your project, the csv record will be skipped.

  2. Does the email address match a researcher in the system affiliated with any other project?
    If a researcher email address matches one in the system, that person will be added to your project.

  3. If the person is not in the project or the system, a new researcher will be created and added to your project with as much or as little information you provide.

To use the tool:

  1. Populate a csv file with any/all of the following fields. A template is available for download by selecting “Get a blank Template to Fill out.”
    - First name
    - Last name
    - Email address
    - Initials

  2. Choose the csv file to upload; after successfully selecting a file, the name of the file will appear on the screen.

  3. Click the Process button. Errors, successes, and information about the batch run will be shown.

To review previous batch loads for your project, select Batches, then click on an individual batch to expand the details.


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