NOTE: Protocols can only be bulk loaded by FedRAMP authorized users.
The primary function of the Add Protocol tool is to add a new protocol to the AKN database. It will also add it to whatever project you have selected. If your protocol already exists in the AKN just not in your project, please use Project Leader to add it to your project.
To use the tool:
Login to Bulk Uploader ( and select the project to which you wish to add the new protocol.
Populate a yaml file with any/all of the following fields. See below for yaml “tips and tricks”. If your protocol is similar to an existing one, you may download the yaml for that as a starting point from the Protocol Search page:
***TODO: Expand on yaml “rules” for protocols (e.g., required fields, etc)
Choose the yaml file to upload; after successfully selecting a file, the name of the file will appear on the screen.
Click the Process button. Errors, successes, and information about the batch run will be shown.*
* At present, there is a known issue pertaining to extended fields in the yaml.
New extended fields cannot be created via yaml. You must submit a ZenDesk ticket requesting the new field be created before it can be referenced in the yaml.
New dictionary fields and code sets CAN be created by leaving the DictionaryID field blank ('') and populating the Dictionary section. (see example below)
To reuse an existing dictionary field and code set, populate the DictionaryID field. If you do not know this, you have two options:
Download the yaml for an existing protocol that uses the dictionary field you need; this will include the DictionaryID number.
Submit a ZenDesk ticket with the details so someone can look it up for you.
To create new CodeSets in Site Condition protocols, type in the groups and labels you want; the bulk uploader will determine if new sets need to be created.
If a description, text before or after label, dictionary value, etc has spaces or special values, enclose the string in quotes.
To hide “Breeding” in Biologists
for an Area Search protocol, put “BreedingEvidence” in the SuppressedColumns section of the yaml.
for a Point Count protocol, put “BreedingStatus” in the SuppressedColumns section of the yaml.
Point Count protocols must have at least one time bin, one distance bin, and one detection cue.
For Biologists to display “Count” instead of “Count Detection”
For a Point Count protocol, only enter a single (required) detection cue, e.g., NR, ND.
For an Area Search protocol, do not include ANY detection cues. Having even one will cause the page to display Count Detection.
For Biologists to display “Count” and “Detection Cue” as separate fields, please request the creation of a ProjectProtocolPreferences database record. This has to be done manually. In particular, please ask for PointCountObservationLayoutPreference=”Simple”.
To hide “Bearing” in Biologists
For a Point Count protocol, put “Bearing” in the Suppressed Columns section of the yaml.
For a Transect protocol, put “CompassBearing” in the Suppressed Columns section of the yaml.
If only binned distances are being used, do not include the ExactDistance rows in the yaml at all. If they are submitted without values, an extra null distance bin will be created and mess up the display in Biologists.
To hard-code one value for every record (e.g., Researcher), use double-quotes in the yaml and remove the column from the spreadsheet.
Spacing is VERY important in YAML.
The “-” for each entry under “Fields:” must be in column 3.
Each attribute under “Fields:” must be in column 5.
For new dictionary entries, the must be a space after the colon separating the code from the value
Example yaml highlighting spacing requirements:
Example yaml subset showing a new dictionary code set for Sky: